Monday, March 30, 2009

A weekend of wine and celebration

This past weekend was one of the most relaxing in months. Starting out with an afternoon at WineStyles at Towne Center where we had a white wine class followed by a great wine tasting of some great new summer whites and lush reds (Il bastardo and The Red Mullet being my favorites - and no, the word mullet doesn't have anything to do with hair :) ). Another great treat we had was ruby stout (infused with port wine), a lovely Rousanne (very rare wine due to the persnickety vines it comes from from Zaca Mesa winery), almond champagne brought by a friend to the class, and a lovely crisp Riesling named Blue Fish, which was very light and refreshing. We ended up getting lunch in there for the afternoon from Orlando's Pizza on Daniel Island, a traditional Jersey pizza, which if you haven't had, is really wonderful and filling!

Sunday was encompassed by a Church Celebration Sunday at First (Scots) Presbyterian on this 5th Sunday of Lent. First Scots was founded in 1731 as the first Presbyterian Church in Charleston. Founded by 12 families, many of whose descendants are still active in the church today, the church thrives on worship and fellowship, and today was no exception. There was only one service for the church this day, followed by a procession down to Hibernian Hall for a traditional southern sunday picnic with all the trimmings! Yummy! This outing was spurred by the Generations Campaign at the Church for new buildings as well as the need for fellowship and truly doing things as a church family, something that is duly missed these days. I haven't seen the pictures yet, but I'm sure that there was fun had by all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baron and Christina! It's Brittany from the wine classes. I enjoyed reading your blog...Saturday was great, wasn't it?! I didn't know that you go to First Scots...I attend there regularly, but I ended up going to a different church this past Sunday. Hate that I missed it though...sounds like it was a nice service and great celebration! Hope to see you there next time I go, and I'm sure I'll see you at WineStyles soon! :)
